About Lisa...
Lisa grew up in Indianapolis and continues to live and love this town with her husband, 5 children and family. A nurse practitioner and international board certified lactation consultant with 25 years of experience in maternal child health first working in the hospital settings of labor and delivery, postpartum , NICU, newborn nursery, and perinatal education before starting her own private practice 8 years ago.
Lisa has expertise in tongue and lip ties and their impact on feeding, oral development and the field of myofunctional therapy.
Her passion and expertise has helped her learn more through many courses and trainings over the years from The Coulson Institute of Orofacial Myology, Breathe Well Ortho Postural education program, and The Breathe Institute.
Continued learning helps patients receive a high level of care where Lisa shares the wisdom she has gained when teaching and speaking about breastfeeding and oral function. Patients appreciate her knowledge and approach to care.
Lisa is a co author of the book Tongue Tied available on Amazon.
In her free time, Lisa enjoys singing at church, yoga, bike riding, and traveling with her family to state and national parks to unplug and enjoy nature.